Who We Are

Seka was founded by Miranda Rashid and Msatero Tembo. A core of actor-researchers drawn from the community carries out the programmes.

  • Miranda Rashid – Managing Director, Trainer. Miranda is the managing director and founder of Seka. Granddaughter of the conservationist Norman Carr, Miranda grew up in South Luangwa. She studied drama at Rhodes University, South Africa and has a great love of theatre and the bush. She moved to Arusha in 2007 and has set up a branch of Seka in Tanzania.
  • Msatero Tembo – Trainer, Actor, Director.  Msatero worked in theatre for development for over fifteen years. He was a fine actor in his own right and toured Europe and America three times over with various theatre productions. He passed away in 2011. We miss him sorely but his creativity, energy and enthusiasm lives on in the work that Seka does.
  • Tamara Guhrs – Designer, Playwright.  Tamara is an accomplished theatre practitioner who specialises in writing,  design and facilitation. She wrote her Masters thesis on Chewa performance practice, the Gule wa Mkulu, or Nyau masquerades. Based in South Africa, Tamara writes plays and gives guidance to Seka.
  • Seka Zambia is managed by Bernard Banda and Seka Tanzania is managed by Massanja Pius.

Volunteers and Artist in residence programme

If you’re seriously good at what you do, in the field of theatre, puppetry, music or dance and would like to experience working in the bush with this team of dedicated individuals, write to us and submit your CV. If we like the sound of you, we will try to raise money to get you here. We could use the expertise of: Musical directors, Choreographers, Designers, Fundraisers, Production managers.